If the idea of working in solid timber making fine joinery with an eclectic group of great tradespeople appeals to you, then send your CV to us.
We have dozens of men and women from all over the world who produce brilliant joinery daily in our workshops in Brisbane and on the Sunshine Coast.
Vacancies are rare however, because we proudly have outstanding staff retention. In fact, 80% of our staff have been with us over 5 years and 60% of those exceed 10 years. We have also got 15% that are 20 to 30+ year veterans! So those figures support the idea that we are a pretty inclusive and satisfying place to work.
We are interested in hearing from young people who love timber and want to make a career in woodworking and we also welcome backpackers who have relevant skills. We pay competitive wages and have a standard 4.5 day week with half-day Fridays. Overtime is usually available to those who want to maximize income.
If this appeals, then send your CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Positions are rare but there’s nothing to lose by registering your interest.